As a polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, one of the most common reasons individuals come to us is because they suspect infidelity. We probably encounter more unfaithful people in our office than most people will come into contact with ‘in the wild,’ so it led us to think about just how common infidelity actually is. Some of the facts we uncovered were quite surprising; for example, the United States tops the league table of countries with the largest number of cheaters! Let’s take a look at some interesting statistics relating to infidelity that you might be shocked to learn!
Infidelity in the Workplace
According to research, approximately 31% of affairs happen in the workplace, and the type of industry and job title has a big impact. Statistically, the higher you climb up the corporate ladder, the more likely it is that you will end up having an affair! Only 9% of non-management employees admit to cheating on their partners, while 24% of middle management and 37% of upper management make the same confession! Studies have also shown that men working in a trade or in an IT role are the most likely to be unfaithful. In contrast, medical professionals and women in education-related roles are the most loyal to their partners. If you have had suspicions about your partner’s fidelity and they work in one of these roles, it may be time to book a polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, and find out once and for all!
What Counts As Cheating?
What do you think about when you hear the term cheating? You would be forgiven for thinking that there is one concrete meaning, but the truth is people have very different ideas about how to define cheating. For some individuals, sexual contact equates to cheating, while others believe an emotional connection is still considered infidelity. According to some studies, 18.6% of European men don’t believe that sexual intercourse is necessarily cheating on their partner! It seems Americans have a much lower tolerance for infidelity, with over half of American women viewing holding hands with someone else as cheating! Since there is such a discrepancy in the definition of cheating, your polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, must carefully choose the questions that will be asked during the test. For example, instead of asking the subject if they have cheated on their spouse, the examiner may instead ask more specific questions such as, ‘Have you had sexual intercourse with someone other than your partner?’ or ‘Have you kissed another person since marrying your spouse?’ This will eliminate any grey areas if one partner has a looser definition of what counts as being unfaithful than the other!
Is One Gender More Likely to Cheat?
It is often assumed that men are the ones to cheat in a relationship. This is true when it comes to married couples, with 20% of married men admitting to being unfaithful compared with 13% of married women. However, the difference is negligible in unmarried couples, with 20% of men versus 19% of women. Men and Women also cheat in quite different ways. Men are opportunistic and are far more likely to engage in one-night stands, whereas women are more often seeking an emotional connection and an ongoing relationship.
Why Do People Cheat?
As a polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, we are often asked by our clients why their partner has been unfaithful. Unfortunately, there isn’t one simple answer that explains this behavior. Every relationship is different, and there are various reasons why someone may feel compelled to cheat on their spouse or partner. More often than not, there is an emotional or psychological factor such as low self-esteem, feelings of neglect, fear of commitment to one person, anger, or sexual desires. Men often give excuses, such as the woman was hitting on them or she was very attractive, but women are more likely to cite a lack of attention from their partner. If cheating is the end of your relationship, then the individual reasons may not be important, but if there is any hope of continuing your relationship and rebuilding trust in each other following infidelity, then you will need to get to the root of the problem that triggered the unfaithfulness. You may want to ask your polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, to include questions about the motivation for cheating.
Infidelity is a complex and deeply personal issue that affects many relationships in various ways. While statistics and studies provide insight into patterns and behaviors, every situation is unique. If you suspect unfaithfulness in your relationship, a polygraph examiner in Knoxville, TN, can help you uncover the truth and begin the process of addressing the underlying issues. Whether seeking closure or working toward rebuilding trust, having clear and accurate information is the first step toward resolution.
Uncover the truth!
Ken Shull served as a Special Agent with the FBI for almost 25 years and was head of the FBI Polygraph program until his retirement in 2001. At that time he set up the Kendall Investigations practice as a private investigator in Knoxville, TN offering Polygraph services, private investigations, and security guards. Ken is a member of the American Polygraph Association and The American Association of Police Polygraphists.
The Truth is Still the Truth Even if No One Believes it, A Lie is Still a Lie Even if Everyone Believes it.